CBS | Your Business & Technology Partner

Cybersecurity With cbs

Small to Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) are becoming prime targets for cyberattacks. Don’t let your business be the next victim.

Cybercriminals are growing smarter, and their tactics constantly evolve. It's crucial for businesses like yours to adopt a comprehensive cybersecurity solution to stay safe. Explore how CBS's expert team can help protect your business.

Why Work with CBS for Cybersecurity?

Our Comprehensive Cybersecurity Services

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Our MDR service provides real-time threat identification, analysis, and response, keeping your IT environment continuously monitored for potential security risks. Powered by advanced technologies and expert analysis, it’s your 24/7 defense against cyber threats.


Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Discover the power of our SIEM platform, designed specifically for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). This solution enhances visibility into client environments, quickly analyzes logs to identify anomalies, and provides real-time actionable insights.


Security Awareness Training

Educating employees about maintaining strong passwords, securing sensitive information, and adhering to security policies is essential. With comprehensive training, your team can better handle potential security threats and reduce their impact.

Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attacks

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Are You Prepared for a Cyberattack?

Cybercriminals are constantly refining their strategies. Don't wait for an attack to happen. Implementing a strong cybersecurity plan is essential for protecting your business from phishing, malware, and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks.

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How Do I Mitigate Risks?

  • 1. Understand the Risks

    Recognize that all businesses are at risk, especially SMBs that often lack comprehensive cybersecurity protection.

  • 2. Take Responsibility

    Create a security plan and bring in experts to safeguard your business from evolving cyber threats.

  • 3. Assess Weaknesses

    Conduct a thorough security assessment with our experts to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in your systems.

mobile laptop responsiveness

Mobile Devices: Manage and protect employee devices, from smartphones to laptops, through effective mobile device management (MDM).

computers chatting

Remote Access: Ensure secure access to your network for remote workers with advanced authentication and encryption measures.

cloud platform

Cloud-Based Apps: Protect sensitive data in cloud-based applications like Microsoft 365 and G-Suite.

Cybersecurity for a Remote/Hybrid Workforce

With remote/hybrid work still on the rise, new security risks have emerged. Protect your mobile workers, cloud data, and remote access points with our cybersecurity solutions tailored to the new remote work environment.


Growing Threat to SMBs

Did you know that SMBs account for over 60% of cyberattacks? Many SMBs remain vulnerable due to a lack of awareness and preparedness.


of SMBs haven’t identified or documented their cybersecurity threats


don’t have a recovery plan in place for cybersecurity incidents.


haven’t trained all users on cybersecurity.


haven’t analyzed potential attack targets.

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Why Work with CBS for Cybersecurity?

Partnering with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) like CBS ensures that your business gets comprehensive protection. Our team of experts provides:

Layered Security Solutions

Covering all angles to prevent attacks and anticipate future threats.

24/7 Monitoring and Support

Always-on vigilance to detect and address suspicious activity.

Custom Action Plans

Tailored strategies to ensure that your business remains secure against evolving risks.

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How We Keep You Safe

  • 1. High-Level Security Assessing

    We conduct a deep dive into your cybersecurity health, including dark web scanning, to identify vulnerabilities.

  • 2. Custom Cybersecurity Report

    Receive a detailed report on your vulnerabilities and our approach to mitigate them.

  • 3. Industry-Specific Action Plan

    We’ll collaborate to create a plan to safeguard your business, including monitoring threats on all managed devices.

  • 4. Compliance IT Solutions

    We’ll help you stay compliant with industry regulations while securing your business’s data.

We Leave No Stone Unturned 

Take the first step and get your free security assessment today. 

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